Goal: Fly over the mountains and land on the runway on the other side.
Use the mouse on the thrust slider to control thrust force (moving forward).
(Thrust can also be controlled with keys X (L) and Z (K))
Press Up-arrow (W) and Down-arrow (S) to control Pitch. It only works when the speed is sufficiently fast to overcome gravity.
Press Left-arrow (A) and Right-arrow (D) to control Roll. It only works in the air. When the plane is on the ground, Yaw (Direction) is changed instead.
Press C (J) or click on the Toggle Reverse button to enable reverse thrust (used to decelerate after landing).
Press R to restart.
At takeoff:
Use full thrust (100%). Hold "Up-arrow (W)" key until the plane finally leaves the ground.
Control the Pitch to be about +20 deg. Climb to height at about 5000 ft.
Make a big U-turn by adjusting Roll, and you'll see the beautiful mountains.
In the air:
Reduce the thrust such that the velocity is around 200 knots. (This is the steady state.)
Adjust Pitch to get to desired Height. Be aware not to hit the mountains.
Right after you pass the mountains, start decreasing hieght and speed to prepare for landing.
Make a big U-turn again. Aim the runway from afar.
Decrease height by keeping Pitch at about -10 deg.
When the height is close to zero, control Pitch at around 0 deg carefully so that you don't crash into the ocean. If you find that you cannot lift the pitch, that means your airspeed is too slow. (140-160 knots are good values.)
If you touch the gorund too hard or with large pitch or roll, you will crash.
After touchdown:
Make the thrust -100% to decelerate.
Control direction so that you don't crash into the mountains.
It's fine if you don't land exactly on the runway. You can cruise to runway after deceleration.
The winning condition is such that you stop on the runway.